Studying at the University of Vienna

On this page you will find information about studying as an exchange student at the University of Vienna:

Semester dates

Winter semester 2024/25

Start of semester


Lecture period
(normally exams take place max. two weeks after the lecture period)


Public holidays 26.10.2024

No lectures


Public holiday 08.12.2024

Christmas break


Lecture-free period (semester break)


End of semester


Deadline for paying the fee for the Austrian Students' Union: 31.10.2024

Summer semester 2025

Start of semester


Lecture period
(normally exams take place max. two weeks after the lecture period)


"Rector's day" (no lectures)


Easter break


Public holidays 01.05.2025

Whitsun break


Public holiday


Lecture-free period (summer break)


End of semester


Deadline for paying the fee for the Austrian Students' Union: 31.03.2025

Winter semester 2025/26

Start of semester


Lecture period
(normally exams take place max. two weeks after the lecture period)


Public holidays


No lectures


Public holiday 08.12.2025

Christmas break


Lecture-free period (semester break)


End of semester


Deadline for paying the fee for the Austrian Students' Union: 31.10.2025

Summer semester 2026

Start of semester


Lecture period
(normally exams take place max. two weeks after the lecture period)


"Rector's day" (no lectures)


Easter break


Public holidays 01.05.2026

Whitsun break


Public holiday


Lecture-free period (summer break)


End of semester


Deadline for paying the fee for the Austrian Students' Union: 31.03.2026

Planning your stay: if you need to know the approximate dates of your stay in Vienna before the mobility, e.g. to fill out paperwork at your home university, please refer to the dates of the lecture period. Exchange students usually arrive in Vienna shortly before the lecture period starts, or by the beginning of the lecture period, at the latest. Exchange students are usually expected to stay in Vienna until the end of the lecture period, approximately. The exact dates of your stay might differ depending on your courses and exams.



  • Registration

    After successful nomination, you will receive an e-mail from us asking you to activate your u:account and to register in Mobility Online. If you have not received this email by 10 May (winter semester) or 10 November (summer semester), please send us an e-mail.

    In the course of the registration you will register in u:space. Please only use the link provided by e-mail to register in u:space. u:space is the central access point for students regarding organisation of their studies at the University of Vienna. Once you have successfully registered in u:space, you will be able to log in to the u:space portal using your u: account login data.

    You will receive information on all the necessary steps in good time in e-mails sent to the address you provided with your nomination. Please read all the information we provide carefully and only use the links we sent in our e-mails to register – these are personalised links for incoming students.

    Solutions to the most common problems regarding the registration in Mobility Online are outlined here: Troubleshooting Incoming

    You can find an overview of the steps which exchange students need to take in order to be admitted to the University of Vienna here: Admissions procedure

  • Order your u:card

    As part of your registration in u:space you order your u:card (the student ID card of the University of Vienna). For this you must upload a passport photo and a copy of your ID (passport or identity card - also stating your citizenship).

    Requirements for the passport photo:

    • The head must fill about 2/3 of the picture.
    • The background has to be single-coloured and has to provide sufficient contrast to the face.

    The photo…

    •  must have been taken recently and in colour
    •  should be able to clearly identify you
    •  you must be the only person in the photo
    •  must be uploaded in JPEG or PNG file and have a maximum file size of 5 MB

    Please only order the u:card after having received an e-mail asking you to do so! You will receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do so with the request.

    Further information:

  • Student ID number and Payment of the Students' Union fee

    Following admission to the university, you will receive an e-mail with your student ID number (by the beginning of August for the winter semester or by the beginning of February for the summer semester).

    All exchange students are exempt from paying a tuition fee at the University of Vienna. Nevertheless, every student has to pay the fee for the Austrian National Union of Students, including insurance (ÖH = Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft), which is currently € 24.70 per semester (in the academic year 2024/25). The payment is compulsory to complete your enrolment and in order to obtain a valid student ID card.

    You will find information on payment options in your u:space account under "Financial Matters": "Students’ Union fee". Here you can also check whether your payment has been registered ("received on" will appear next to the fee).

    One possibility is to pay the fee with a credit card (only Mastercard or Visa) via u:space. In this case the sum is credited to the University of Vienna’s account immediately.

    Furthermore, you can find information on what details need to be provided for a bank transfer (IBAN, BIC, and your identification number for the respective semester) on your u:space account. Please enter your identification number in the field "payment reference". If your bank does not provide this field, please ask your bank which field to use instead to ensure that the mandatory identification number is communicated to the receiving bank. After completing the payment it usually takes about a week for the money to be transferred to the University of Vienna’s system.

    Alternatively, you can request a payment form which you can then use to pay in cash at any post office. Please request your payment form via email, and pick it up at your orientation session. By using this option, it also takes about a week for the money to be transferred to the University of Vienna’s system. We therefore recommend either paying in advance using the credit card or online banking option, or planning participation at an orientation session in good time in case you would like to have a valid u:card at the beginning of the semester already.

    If you have an Austrian bank account, payment per EPS is also possible via u:space. In this case the payment is registered in the University of Vienna’s account immediately.

    Please note that if the payment is not received by the deadline (winter semester: 31 October; summer semester: 31 March), your enrolment cannot be finalised.

  • Validate your u:card

    Exchange students receive their u:card at the orientation session, regardless of whether they have paid the Students’ Union fee or not. However, you cannot validate the u:card until the Austrian Students' Union fee has been registered in the University of Vienna’s system.

    You will be able to purchase the semester ticket for public transport and once you have activated your u:account you may register for courses without a valid u:card. However, you will not be able to use the library for free nor get any student discounts (for example for theatre tickets) until your u:card has been validated.

    It is possible to get discounted copy cards and discounts for Mensa menus (canteen) through the
    Austrian Students' Union (ÖH) of the University of Vienna. Please contact the Students’ Union directly for information on how to take advantage of discounts using your u:card.

    Further information:


At the beginning of each semester, the International Office organises information meetings ("orientation sessions") for Erasmus+ incoming students. Incoming exchange students need to register for an orientation session in order to complete their registration at the University of Vienna.

We recommend an arrival in Vienna two weeks before the semester starts. Orientations for the winter semester take place between the beginning of September and the beginning of October, the Orientations for the summer semester between the beginning of February and the beginning of March. The event lasts about 60 to 90 minutes.

During the orientation you will receive your student ID card and complete your registration at the university. You will also receive a Certificate of Arrival which confirms your registration. If required, it is possible to confirm an earlier date of arrival in Vienna in case it is not more than five days prior to the orientation. We therefore recommend that you choose an orientation session as close to your date of arrival as possible. You will also receive important information about living and studying in Vienna during the orientation (for example, first steps upon arrival, public transport, contact persons, etc.).

In order to confirm your registration at the University of Vienna and to get your student ID card, personal participation in one of the orientation sessions is compulsory.

You will find further information to help you prepare for your visit in our checklists.


  • Dates and registration - summer semester 2025

    Orientation sessions will be held on site and require the students' physical attendance.

    Please note that orientation sessions will be held in English. Materials will be made available in both German and English, and students are welcome to pose their questions in German as well.

    • Monday, 3 February 2025, 2 – 3:30 pm, max. 90 persons
    • Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 2 – 3:30 pm, max. 90 persons
    • Thursday, 20 February 2025, 10:30 am – 12 noon, max. 90 persons
    • Monday, 24 February 2025, 10:30 am – 12 noon, max. 120 persons
    • Wednesday, 26 February 2025, 2 – 3:30 pm, max. 120 persons
    • Friday, 28 February 2025, 10:30 am – 12 noon, max. 120 persons
    • Monday, 03 March 2025, 2 – 3:30 pm, max. 130 persons

    You will receive an e-mail with the place of the event not later than 1 week before the chosen Orientation will take place. This email will be sent to your University of Vienna student e-mail account! The Orientations will be held in or near the Main Building of the University of Vienna (Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna).

    Online Registration

    The registration for orientation dates is expected to open in January 2025. Students will receive detailed information (how to register, deadlines) per e-mail.


  • Required documents

    Please bring the following documents with you to the orientation session:

    • Photo ID (passport or ID card)
    • Is the start date of your studies the start date of the preparatory German course? In that case please bring a confirmation of registration/certificate of completion for your German course with you if you need to have its start date confirmed on your Certificate of Arrival
    • Does your home university need to have its own form signed rather than our Certificate of Arrival? Then please bring the form with you. Please note that if subject-specific information (such as the language of instruction of your courses) needs to be confirmed on this form, the form will have to be signed by your mobility coordinator at the department.

Mobility Coordinators

At the University of Vienna, the departments have their own mobility coordinators, who are responsible for all subject-specific matters. Please refer to your mobility coordinator for all questions regarding:

  • Courses
  • Course registration
  • Learning Agreement
  • Courses taught in English
  • Information on exams for the particular department

Mobility coordinators also sign confirmations of attendance which contain subject-specific details (e.g. the language of instruction, the last exam date) and your Learning Agreement as the "Responsible Person".

The International Office will provide you with information about your mobility coordinator

Course selection / Learning Agreement

Students at the University of Vienna create their own timetables for each semester and are accustomed to working independently.
Here you will find general information about the different topics. For further details please contact your mobility coordinator.


  • Course Types

    There are two types of courses at the University of Vienna:

    Courses with non-continuous assessment ("nicht-prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen")

    • e.g. lectures ("Vorlesungen", VO)
    • Regular attendance is not mandatory
    • There is usually a written or an oral exam at the end of the semester 

    Courses with continuous assessment ("Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen")

    • e.g. training courses ("Übungen", UE), proseminars ("Proseminare", PS) and seminars ("Seminare", SE)
    • Compulsory regular attendance
    • Assessment criteria are active course participation, presentations, midterm-tests, papers and written and/or oral end-of-term tests

    As an exchange student you do not have to take courses from the STEOP module ("Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase"). Indeed, it is generally recommended that you do not take any of these courses during your stay. 

    Students who have been nominated for the bachelor programme can usually also attend courses from the master's programme provided they have sufficient knowledge on the subject. This must be clarified in advance with the mobility coordinator.

  • Course catalogue (u:find)
    • The course catalogue (or course directory) u:find contains all courses offered at the University of Vienna.
    • It is available online from about August or January for the forthcoming semester.
      It will, however, still be updated and new courses can still be added until the beginning of the semester. If you need to know what kind of courses are available in your field of study before the new course catalogue is published, e.g. for your Learning Agreement, please use the one from the previous winter or summer semester, which will give you an idea of the courses on offer. Please keep in mind, however, that not all courses are offered every year/semester.
    • Courses taught in other languages than German are marked in u:find with a blue button and an ISO-shortcut for the respective language. (F.i. "en" for courses taught in English). You can find instructions on how to search for English courses here.
    • You can find your field of study in the directorates of studies ("Studienprogrammleitungen", SPL). Sometimes one directorate of studies (SPL) lists several fields of study (e.g. SPL 4 Business, Economics and Statistics, which lists Business Administration, International Business Administration, Statistics and Economics as fields of study).
      More detailed information on studying and the individual courses is available directly from your mobility coordinator.

    --> Further tips on how to use u:find

  • Courses outside your nominated field of study

    Please note that as an exchange student you generally have to select courses in the field of study that you have been nominated for. If you are interested in taking courses from a different field of study, this counts as taking courses outside your nominated field of study.

    This must be discussed with the mobility coordinator of the other field of study AFTER your arrival in Vienna. However, there is no guarantee that a place will be available.

    Each field of study handles this topic a bit differently. You will find some initial information regarding the possibility of attending courses outside your nominated field of study in this list.

    Exceptions: specific courses related to Austria, which are, in principle, open for every exchange student, and language courses at the Language Center of the University of Vienna.

    Please note that you must always register for a course, even if you are just interested in taking it. Students cannot attend a course unless they have registered online within the registration period.

    Information about the confirmation of courses outside your nominated field of study on the Learning Agreement can be found below under the item “Learning Agreement”.

  • Stay abroad to conduct research for your thesis

    A nomination for an Erasmus+ stay for research purposes means that you are independently conducting research at the University of Vienna.

    In case you are going to come to the University of Vienna for research purposes and would also like to have additional support beside your independent research, please discuss this matter with your mobility coordinator at the University of Vienna at your earliest convenience.

    However, there is no guarantee that additional support can be provided.

    According to the curricula of the University of Vienna, no ECTS credits are awarded for pure research activities for bachelor, master or PhD theses or other scientific papers. During their stay at the University of Vienna, exchange students can only obtain ECTS credits for completed courses and exams. Therefore it is not possible to sign ECTS credits for research activities on the Learning Agreement.

Registration and de-registration from courses


  • Course registration

    The deadlines for course registration depend on your field of study and are usually listed in the course catalogue u:find in the individual course details. Registration for courses in the winter semester usually starts in the beginning of September; registration for courses in the summer semester in the beginning of February.

    The first-come-first-served principle does not apply during the course registration periods. Please note that it is mandatory to register for a course, even if you are not yet sure that you will eventually take it. It is not possible to attend a course without prior registration by the respective deadline, nor is it possible to be registered by the course instructor after the deadline.

    In most cases, course registration is done online via u:space. In some cases, course registration must take place via e-mail or in person. You will find the relevant information in the course directory.

    --> General information incl. registration deadlines

    --> Additional information on how to register for courses via u:find/u:space

  • Mandatory attendance at the first course session

    Please note that in the case of courses with continuous assessment (UE, PS, SE), course registration itself does not guarantee a spot in the course: if you do not attend the first session of the course without prior notification, you will be de-registered, and your spot will be given to someone on the waiting list.

    Therefore contact the course instructor IN ADVANCE if you are not able to attend the first class, otherwise you will lose your spot even though you registered correctly.

  • De-registration from courses

    Should you change your mind during the semester and decide not to attend a course after all, you will have to de-register from the course. As a rule, de-registration from courses will be possible in u:space within the first two weeks after the course has started.

    Students who do not de-register from a course in time will most likely receive a negative grade (5).

Learning Agreement

Your mobility coordinator signs your Learning Agreement as the "Responsible Person at the Receiving Institution". As the procedure regarding Learning Agreements varies from one partner university to another, we kindly ask you to clarify the following with both your home university and your mobility coordinator at the University of Vienna as soon as possible:

  • Does your home university use the digital Learning Agreement (which is transferred via the Erasmus Without Paper network) or does your home university use a PDF/paper version of the Learning Agreement?
  • What deadlines apply for the Learning Agreement?


  • Further information on the Learning Agreement for digital LAs (EWP)

    If your home university uses the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) network to process Learning Agreements, please create your Learning Agreement in your home university's system. You will receive an email as soon as your Learning Agreement has been sent to the University of Vienna. You then have to choose in Mobility Online whether you want to attend courses outside your nominated field of study or not. Once you have completed this step, your Learning Agreement will be forwarded to your mobility coordinator.

    Confirmation of courses outside your nominated field of study

    Please note that in general your mobility coordinator can only confirm courses from the field of study you have been nominated for on your Learning Agreement. Therefore, please only include courses from your nominated field of study in your Learning Agreement before your arrival in Vienna. You can add courses outside your nominated field of study to your Learning Agreement after you arrive. Once your edited Learning Agreement has been sent to the University of Vienna, you will receive an email with more information on how to have courses outside your nominated field of study confirmed on an extra form ("Approval form for courses outside your nominated field of study") and how to have your courses signed on your LA.

    Please note that you must always register for a course, even if you are only interested in taking it and even if your course(s) have not already been confirmed on your Learning Agreement. Students cannot attend a course unless they have registered for it online within the registration period.


    Normally your mobility coordinator can also confirm participation in courses related to Austria on your Learning Agreement, as these courses can be selected by all exchange students irrespective of their nominated field of study. In order to have them signed, state in Mobility Online that you want to attend courses outside your nominated field of study and upload the list of courses related to Austria instead of the approval form.
    Unless there is a specific departmental regulation to the contrary, participation in language courses at the Language Center of the University of Vienna can also be confirmed by your mobility coordinator. 

    If the courses related to Austria or language courses cannot be signed by your mobility coordinator, they can also be confirmed by us in the International Office.

    Changes to your Learning Agreement

    Changes to your Learning Agreement have to be made in your home university's system. If you have any questions on how to change your Learning Agreement, please contact your home university.

  • Further information on the Learning Agreement for PDF/paper LAs

    General information on how the Learning Agreement on paper/as PDFs are handled at some of the departments of the University of Vienna can be found in this list. If your field of study is not listed, please contact your mobility coordinator directly.

    If you also need the signature of the "Institutional Coordinator", the Learning Agreement will additionally be signed by us at the International Office after your mobility coordinator at the University of Vienna has signed it.

    Confirmation of courses outside your nominated field of study

    Please note that in general your mobility coordinator can only confirm courses from the field of study you have been nominated for on your Learning Agreement. Therefore please only include courses from your nominated field of study in your Learning Agreement before your arrival in Vienna. We strongly recommend that you list courses from other fields of study on a separate Learning Agreement for each field of study. Learning Agreements for other fields of study are signed only after your arrival in Vienna by the respective mobility coordinators of the other fields of study.

    Please note that you must always register for a course, even if you are only interested in taking it and even if your course(s) have not already been confirmed on your Learning Agreement. Students cannot attend a course unless they have registered for it online within the registration period.


    Normally your mobility coordinator can also confirm participation in courses related to Austria on your Learning Agreement as these courses can be selected by all exchange students irrespective of their nominated field of study. In order to have them signed, please bring a copy of this list with you.
    Unless there is a specific departmental regulation to the contrary, participation in language courses at the Language Center of the University of Vienna can also be confirmed by your mobility coordinator.

    If the courses related to Austria or language courses cannot be signed by your mobility coordinator, they can also be confirmed by us in the International Office.

    Changes to your Learning Agreement

    Changes to the courses chosen can be made using the form "Changes to the Original Learning Agreement" (B. Section to be completed during the mobility).



  • Online registration for lecture exams

    Registration for exams is conducted via u:space and u:find. Only students who have registered for exams in due time are allowed to sit them.

  • De-registration from exams

    Should you decide not to take an exam after you have registered for it, you have to de-register. Students who are registered for an exam and do not show up without prior notice to the teacher will not be allowed to take part in the next sitting. 

  • Grading system and ECTS

    Austrian grading system

    1    = excellent (outstanding performance)

    2    = good (generally good, but with some errors)

    3    = satisfactory (generally sound work with a number of substantial errors)

    4    = sufficient (performance meets the minimum criteria)

    5    = failed (substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work)


    At the University of Vienna, the workload of an individual course is measured in ECTS credits. In Austria the full workload for students comprises 30 ECTS per semester.

    The home university is in charge of the approval of courses. Please contact your home university directly if you have questions regarding this.

German Course

Please note that there are no German language courses offered at the department of German Philology.

If you wish to improve your German language skills in preparation for your stay or during the semester, you can register for a fee-based German language course at the Language Center of the University of Vienna (“Sprachenzentrum der Universität Wien”) and obtain ECTS credits if you complete it successfully. They regularly offer the following courses:

  • Preparatory intensive courses in September and February (available also online)
  • Trimester Courses
  • Semester courses

Information regarding the range of language courses on offer, assessment for placement on courses and how to register is available on the Language Center of the University of Vienna’s homepage. Participation is voluntary.

German courses are not listed in your transcript of records, but you will receive a certificate from the Language Center upon successfully completing a course. Please check with your home university whether a standard version of the Language Center certificate in German will suffice. If this version is not acceptable, you can present your German certificate to the Language Center Office to obtain a version in English.


  • Discounts for incoming students

    Please note that the course fee must be paid in full when you register for the course. You will be refunded the discount subsequently when you present confirmation of your exchange student status to the Language Center.

    By presenting their Certificate of Arrival, incoming students can obtain a discount of 20% on preparatory intensive courses in February and September, on summer language courses and on the trimester course. There is no reduction for German semester courses.

    For the preparatory intensive courses (in September and February), incoming students who participate regularly and complete the course successfully receive a further rebate from the International Office so that they only have to pay a contribution of €150 (academic year 2024/25) themselves. The rebate is available both for offline and online courses. As this is a preparatory course, you can also only be awarded this rebate if the course is completed before you begin your studies at the University of Vienna. Students who spend a full academic year studying here can thus only claim a rebate for the September intensive course.

    Please note that you can only apply for this rebate until 15 October (September course) or 15 March (February course) and that your application must be made directly to the Language Center of the University of Vienna.

    Course books are not included in the course fee.

    Incoming students get a discount of 25% on the regular price of language courses for languages other than German.

Extension of stay

If you were only nominated for the winter semester, you can apply for an extension to cover the summer semester. It is not possible to obtain an extension from the summer semester to cover the following winter semester.

In order to apply for an extension of your stay, you must submit the completed extension certificate, which you can download after logging into Mobility Online. The form has to be signed by your home university and the mobility coordinator at the University of Vienna and must be returned to us, the International Office, by 31 January (via Mobility Online).

In order to complete admission for the summer semester, you must pay the Austrian Students’ Union fee for the summer semester. Do not forget to register for courses for the summer semester. You will find further information in the "checklist winter and summer semester".