Application documents

You will need the following documents to apply (you will find information on the individual documents below):


  • Learning Agreement for Traineeships

    The Learning Agreement contains all relevant information pertaining to your traineeship. The Learning Agreement has to be signed by you, the receiving institution and signed and stamped by your directorate of studies (SPL). With their signature, the directorate of studies confirms the relevance of the traineeship to your study programme.

    Please note that the Learning Agreement must be signed and stamped by your directorate of studies (SPL). The document cannot be accepted if it has not been stamped. A signature from the directorate of studies is also required for traineeships for recent graduates. 

  • Declaration regarding insurance

    Please clarify with your employer in advance whether they will provide health, accident and liability insurance for the duration of your traineeship. This is your responsibility. The declaration regarding insurance will be generated in Mobility Online in the course of applying and contains information regarding health, accident and liability insurance as well as information on the responsibility to have adequate insurance cover. Please read the information under Insurance in connection with this.

  • Language certificate (except where the working language is German)

    A language certificate for the working language and required level of language proficiency stipulated in the Learning Agreement must be submitted (minimum level B1 according to the CEFR). Exception: working language German. Further information on the language certificates accepted is available here.

  • Curriculum Vitae

    There are no special requirements regarding the CV; it can be submitted in German or in English. Europass is not required.

  • Confirmation of health insurance

    At the time of applying, students must have adequate health insurance cover. A scan of your European Health Insurance Card or another written confirmation of health insurance can be provided as proof.

    Please note that you must submit the declaration regarding insurance (see above) in addition to the confirmation of health insurance.

  • Proof of identity

    Passport or Identity Card

  • Scan of your university diploma (only applies for traineeships for recent graduates)

    In the case of traineeships for recent graduates, you must upload a scan of your diploma and the official notification to Mobility Online upon completing your studies. This can be done after the start of your traineeship. However, the diploma must have been submitted by the end of your traineeship at the very latest.




To be eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship you must first find yourself a traineeship position in another European country. The precise dates, the content and the working language must have already been agreed before applying. Please observe the requirements regarding possible receiving institutions. The International Office does not arrange traineeship positions for students.

All applications must be submitted online via the Mobility Online application tool.

If you are applying for a grant as a language assistant, please take note of the Information on traineeships for language assistants. Applications for traineeships for language assistants have the start date 1 October.


  • How to apply via Mobility Online

    In order to apply via Mobility Online, you will need your u:account username and password. Please note that in order to apply, you must be enrolled as a student for a degree programme at the University of Vienna.  

    Once you have logged in you have to give your permission for the use of your personal data, and you can then create an application. You will then receive a link for subsequent logins via e-mail. Thereafter you can add further information for your application and upload the application documents.

    You are able to save an interim version of your applications; it is not necessary to complete the application in one go.

    Links to Mobility Online

    Once you have submitted your application, the content and formal criteria will be evaluated. Applications which meet the formal criteria and were submitted before the deadline can be nominated for the Erasmus+ mobility grant. Please read the information on what happens after application under nomination.  

  • Problems with the online application

    If you have problems with the subsequent login (if, for example, a new application form is shown), please close all browser windows completely or use a different browser (e.g. Google Chrome).

    If you still have problems, try the following:

    • Make sure that you used the right link to log in.
    • Make sure that you are using your student u:account to log in (you cannot log in using a staff account!)
    • Make sure that you have entered your password correctly (case sensitive).
    • If you are still having problems, please contact us via e-mail at Please include a screenshot.

Leave of absence and semester of tolerance

Participants must be enrolled as students at the University of Vienna throughout their traineeship. A leave of absence ("Beurlaubung") cannot be granted during an Erasmus+ traineeship. During your visit abroad your study period continues as normal; no additional semester of tolerance will be granted.


If the application meets the formal criteria and was submitted within the deadline, the student will be nominated to the Erasmus+ Stipendien team in the International Office, which is responsible for paying the Erasmus+ mobility grant.

After nomination, nominated students receive a confirmation of nomination via e-mail and an e-mail containing information on the further process.


  • Apply for Top-Ups

    Nominated students must complete their nomination data and can now apply for additional financial support (top-ups) through Mobility Online.



  • Payment of the Erasmus+ mobility grant

    The prerequisites for payment are completing the data in Mobility Online, and the signing and return within the deadline of a written grant agreement. Your grant will be formally awarded not sooner than 20 days before the start of the traineeship. Nominated students will receive a notification of award via e-mail and can download their agreement from Mobility Online at any time thereafter.



Online Linguistic Support

The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) tool supports language learning for Erasmus+ mobility participants before and during their stay abroad. In OLS you can take a language assessment  and a language course.


  • OLS language assessment

    If your language of instruction is offered in Online Linguistic Support (OLS), as an Erasmus+ trainee you can complete an OLS language test (assessment) before your stay. Subsequently, you can also take an online language course for free on the OLS platform. 

    Please find the instructions on how to register here for your language test on the EU Academy platform (incl. link to the platform). Please read the instructions carefully and take the language assessment for your working language. 

    Students with German as their working language and native speakers are exempt from taking an OLS assessment.

    Please note that the results are not available to partner institutions or coordinators and do not affect the Erasmus+ grant.

    The following languages are available in OLS:

  • OLS language courses

    Once you have completed the OLS language assessment, you may take an OLS language course.

    If the main working language does not correspond to the language of the country and you have reached a sufficient level in the working language, you can also take the course in the language of the country. 


Students must have adequate health, accident and liability insurance throughout the duration of their Erasmus+ traineeship.


  • Health Insurance

    Through the statutory health insurance in Austria, insured persons are reimbursed for the costs of treatment which is medically necessary. EU/EEA citizens likewise receive free medical treatment for any treatments which are medically necessary in EU countries through their European Health Insurance Card (=back of your e-card). Regular medical check-ups or screenings are generally not covered. If you do not have health insurance in Austria or if you are a citizen of a non-EU country, please clarify with your health insurance provider what insurance cover you have when abroad.

    Students must have adequate health insurance cover at the time of applying. This must be proven by submitting a confirmation of health insurance (“Krankenversicherungsnachweis”) with your application: a scan of your e-card/European Health Insurance Card or another written confirmation of health insurance. Students who do not have health insurance cover cannot be nominated for an Erasmus+ traineeship. 

  • Accident and liability insurance

    You must clarify with your employer in advance whether they will provide not just health insurance but also accident and liability insurance for the duration of your traineeship.

    In the event that the employer does not provide accident and/or liability insurance, we recommend that you take out a private accident and liability insurance policy. This kind of cover is often included in your household insurance policy or covered by a credit card. Through the students’ union insurance (“ÖH-Versicherung”), students at the University of Vienna often have subsidiary accident and liability insurance cover whilst carrying out the work involved in their traineeship and when travelling between their place of work and home, provided that they have paid the students’ union fee for the pertinent semester. However, this insurance cover does not apply outside working hours or for students completing a traineeship for recent graduates. We therefore recommend that you take out an insurance policy that will cover you outside of working hours (in your leisure time).

    It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have adequate insurance cover during their traineeship. As part of the application process you are required to confirm in the document declaration regarding insurance (“Versicherungsschutzerklärung”) that you will ensure that you have adequate insurance cover throughout your traineeship.