Fudan University
Fudan’s Jiang-Wan Campus
Fudan University
Fudan University in Shanghai was founded in 1905. It is one of China’s leading research universities and a member of China’s C9 League. Around 35,000 students from China and 150 other countries are currently studying there.
A strategic partnership agreement has existed between the University of Vienna and Fudan University since 2019, brought to life through collaborative activities such as Joint Workshops in the fields of data science and mathematics, in the social sciences and the humanities as well as in microbiology and environmental science.
At present, students, researchers, teaching staff and the general staff of both universities have the opportunity to participate in mobility programmes or to undertake bilateral research projects as a result of the strategic partnership:
Teaching and Research Staff
- Joint Seminars
- Mobility Fellowships (Outgoing)
- Non EU Teaching Mobility (Incoming)
- Erasmus+ International Teaching Mobility (Incoming & Outgoing)
- Joint Classrooms