Mobility Fellowships – Chicago, Jerusalem, Kyoto, Beijing and Shanghai
Within the framework of the Strategic Partnerships, Mobility Fellowships are a measure to enable outbound mobilities of researchers of the University of Vienna to one of the Strategic Partner Universities. Through participation in the Mobility Fellowship programme, personal contacts with faculty members of the Strategic Partner Universities shall be tightened and broadened.The following academic staff may apply:
- PhD students (for all strategic partner universities except the University of Chicago)
- Post-Docs
- Tenure Track Professors, Assistant and Associate Professors
- Univ.-Prof., ao. Univ.-Prof.
- Senior Scientists may participate in the program if they have existing research collaboration with colleagues at the respective Strategic Partner University
- Lecturers (Lektor*innen) are not eligible to apply.
Application deadlines:
- 10 December 2024 (for Travel period: June 2025 - February 2027)
Daily grant of 90 € in addition to the regular salary, plus contribution to travel expenses (based on the destination)
Research stays of at least 3 weeks and a maximum length of stay of 8 weeks
For further information on the Mobility Fellowships please check the Guidelines.
Online Application:
via Mobility Online