Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Researchers

Through the Erasmus+ staff mobility programme, academic staff at the university are given opportunities to acquire knowledge and/or learn new techniques (e.g. working with equipment) through exchange with experienced colleagues in other European countries (Erasmus+ programme countries). This is aimed in particular at academic staff at the beginning of their academic career (pre-docs, post-docs). Participation in conferences is not eligible for funding.


  • Target Group

    All employees of the academic university staff with the exception of lecturers with an employment contract of at least 20 hours per week. The employment relationship must have existed for at least 3 months before the start of the mobility.

  • Duration

    a minimum of 2 working days per stay and a maximum stay of 2 weeks

  • Application Deadline

    Please send your application to: The full application has to reach the International Office not later than 6 weeks before the mobility starts.

  • Application

    Required documents are an application form and a mobility agreement (see forms on the right column). For the documents the approval of the guest university and of the head of your organizational unit are required. Please send the scanned documents per e-mail to

  • Approval of application

    The application forms are checked by the International Office. Final approval takes place through the department of Human Resources and Gender Equality. After approval a grant agreement will be sent through the International Office. This grant agreement has to be signed before mobility starts and be resent to the International Office.

  • Reimbursement

    After the mobility you have to submit an online report and a certificate of attendence.

    You can then submit your receipts for travel and accommodation expenses (up to 135€  per day) through the HRFI App Reimbrusement - Q-Flow (Travel Expenses)

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