Scholarship for participants

The International Office provides tuition waiver scholarships for each school.

 Target audience and eligibility

Degree-seeking students and young researchers from all disciplines can apply for a scholarship. They have to be active students in a Bachelor's/Master's/Diploma or PhD study programme.

Study allowance recipients ("Studienbeihilfe") and students from our partner universities enjoy preferred status. You can find an overview of our partner universities in the list of international cooperation.

Depending on the participation fee, more or less students can be sponsored in each school. The number of available tuition waiver scholarships will be communicated by the International Office in due time.

 Scholarship award procedure


Please inform the students about the availability of scholarships (=tuition waivers).


Application and selection

The International Office has not implemented a formal selection procedure. Students should communicate their interest in applying for a tuition waiver scholarship directly to the organisers of the respective school.

The organisers will pre-select suitable candidates. The following selection criteria should be considered:

  • Previous study progress (duration and grades). Scientific pre-qualification should additionally be considered with prae-docs. 
  • Recipients of study allowance ("Studienbeihilfe") and students from partner universities of the University of Vienna should be treated with preference.

Nomination of candidates

You can nominate suitable candidates to the International Office by e-mail.

Please submit the following information about the candidates (including a ranking!). Please use the Excel sheet below and send it to 

  • Last name, first name
  • Study programme and study cycle
  • Home universities
  • For Austrian students: recipient of study allowance ("Studienbeihilfe") Yes/No


Deadline: Candidates should be nominated simultaneously with their nomination for admission in Mobility Online, i.e. at least 4 weeks before the start of the school.

The International Office will inform you about the final selection of scholarship awardees.

Please inform the selected scholarship awardees accordingly.

Disbursement of scholarships

The International Office will transfer the scholarships directly to the account of the school as indicated in the budget plan and not to the participants. You will receive detailed information about the disbursement of scholarships via e-mail in due time.