Joint Symposium on Global Health, Kyoto University - University of Vienna

The Joint Symposium on Global Health between Kyoto University and the University of Vienna took place from June 18 to 20, 2024 at the University of Vienna. The symposium brought together university leadership and researchers in the field of global health to discuss and exchange ideas on various topics related to microbiology, mathematical biology and medicine, social psychology, and more.
Kyoto University has been a Strategic Partner University of the University of Vienna since 2019. The Strategic Partnership framework facilitates intensive and diverse cooperation, with both universities allocating special funding to support a wide array of joint initiatives.

Joint Symposium on Global Health, KU - UNIVIE, 18-20 June, 2024

The Joint Symposium on Global Health kicked off with a plenary opening session on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, featuring speeches from Rector Sebastian Schütze (UNIVIE), President Nagahiro Minato (KU), Ambassador of Japan to Austria Ryuta Mizuuchi, and Prof. Wolfgang Mazal (UNIVIE). Two thought-provoking keynote lectures by Prof. Yukiko Uchida (KU) and Prof. Bernadett Weinzierl (UNIVIE) set the tone for the day, followed by PhD pitch talks by students from both universities, showcasing their research in front of a plenary audience.

Throughout the following days, participants engaged in group sessions focusing on microbiology and microbe-host Interactions, mathematical biology and medicine, social psychology and current research on Japan’s society and cultures. The general programme of the symposium concluded with a closing session on Wednesday, June 19, where Vice Rector Manuela Baccarini from the University of Vienna and Executive Vice President Tetsuo Sawaragi from Kyoto University delivered closing remarks.

In addition to the academic program, participants from Kyoto University also had the opportunity to explore Vienna through various excursions, including a guided tour of the Botanical Garden and the Belvedere Museum. The symposium also offered individual lab visits for the Kyoto University scholars to further engage with their peers from the University of Vienna, as well as a university leadership session on current issues.

The Joint Symposium on Global Health 2024 was successful in fostering knowledge exchange and deepening contacts between researchers and university leadership from Kyoto University and the University of Vienna. Both universities look forward to future collaborations on global health issues and beyond.

The partnership between the University of Vienna and Kyoto University has a longstanding history, dating back to their first cooperation agreement in 1993. In 2019, the two universities solidified their relationship by establishing a Strategic Partnership, underscoring their shared commitment to advancing academic excellence and collaborative research. This framework enables the universities to collaborate closely on various projects and initiatives, maximizing their collective impact.