
Das österreichisch-afrikanische Forschungsnetzwerk Africa-UniNet wurde initiiert, um eine langfristig abgesicherte Basis für die Zusammenarbeit von österreichischen und afrikanischen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen zu schaffen. Das Netzwerk fördert den Aufbau neuer wissenschaftlicher Kontakte bzw. die Vertiefung bestehender Kooperationen. Darüber hinaus bietet das Netzwerk Chancen zur Förderung internationaler Projekte.

Geplante Netzwerkaktivitäten umfassen unter anderem den Austausch von Professor*innen und kurzfristige Forschungsaufenthalte von Wissenschaftler*innen; Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen für beteiligte Zielgruppen; Konferenzen und die Entwicklung gemeinsamer Projektanträge.



Fifth Call for Africa-UniNet project applications

The call is open until 17 March 2025!

Funding is available for two-year projects involving at least one Austrian and one African university/ university of applied sciences/ research institution. Please note that all institutions involved in the project must be members of Africa-UniNet. 

Funding will be available mainly for mobility costs. The projects should be research-based and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, the projects should foster existing or initiate new scientific relations between Austrian and African institutions.

Please note: Due to a new regulation by the Austrian Science Ministry (BMBWF), all projects must be coordinated by an Austrian institution. There are no restrictions as to how many applications per institution can be submitted. Accordingly, there will no longer be a pre-selection by the University of Vienna, as was the case with previous calls.

  • Project duration: 24 months
  • Maximum funding: 40.000 Euro per project
  • Applicants: Researchers (at least PostDoc) of the University of Vienna
  • Eligible costs: travel costs (airfare, transfer to/from airport), daily allowance (max. 180€/day working on the project during a stay in Austria/Africa), material costs (up to 5.000€ per project).

Submission via the StipOnline portal.
Applications must include Letters of Endorsement of all participating institutions. To receive the Letter of Endorsement from the University of Vienna, please send a detailed project proposal to no later than March 11, 2025.

Further information: