univie: summer schools 2025

Join our programmes in various disciplines!

This is an overview of all univie: summer schools. Detailed information about the programmes can be found on their websites. More information about the scholarship can be found here.

Please contact the organizing team of the univie: summer school you are interested in directly for questions regarding the course programme and application process.

Humanities and Social Sciences

SchoolTarget groupWhenWhereContact
univie: summer school Scientific World Conceptions MA, PhDJuly 7 - 11, 2025Vienna (AT)summerschool.ivc@univie.ac.at
univie: summer school Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish Language and CultureBA, MA, PhDJuly 7 - 12, 2025Vienna (AT)kriszta.eszter.szendroei@univie.ac.at
univie: summer school for Czech-Austrian Language Tandem - Sommerkolleg BudweisBA, MA, PhDJuly 7 - 26, 2025České Budějovice (CZ)nadezda.salmhoferova@univie.ac.at
univie: summer school International and European StudiesBA, MA, PhDJuly 12 - August 9, 2025Strobl am Wolfgangsee (AT)sommerhochschule@univie.ac.at
univie: summer school History of the Jews in the Holy Roman Empire and its Successor StatesBA, MA, PhDJuly 22 - 31, 2025Fürth, Frankfurt, Offenbach (DE)stephan.wendehorst@univie.ac.at
univie: summer school Polish-Austrian Language Tandem: Language, Culture, LiteratureBA, MA, PhDAugust 17 - 31, 2025TBA
univie: European Summer School for ScientometricsBA, MA, PhDSeptember 8 - 12, 2025Granada (ES)office@scientometrics-school.eu
univie: Vienna Doctoral Summer School in PhilosophyPhDTBAVienna (AT)vd.philosophy@univie.ac.at
univie: summer school Urban Housing In Central and Southeastern EuropeMA, PhDSummer 2026Vienna (AT), Belgrade (RS), Athens (GR)urbanhousing@oeaw.ac.at

Natural Sciences

Language Center of the University of Vienna

For questions concerning the German courses and course registration, please contact the Language Center directly.

Summer Intensive German CourseJuly - September 2025