Institutional Network of theUNIversities from the CApitals of Europe (UNICA)
Institutional Network of theUNIversities from the CApitals of Europe (UNICA)
UNICA is a network of 46 universities from the capital cities of Europe, with a combined strength of over 150,000 staff and 1,800,000 students.
Mission and Aims: to promote academic excellence, integration and co-operation between member universities throughout Europe.
Main focus: to act as a driving force in the development of the Bologna process and to facilitate the integration of universities from Central and Eastern Europe into the European Higher Education Area.
UNICA Bologna Laboratory: is a platform aimed at combining strengths of UNICA member institutions with regard to the planning and implementing of curricula for the European Higher Education Area. It facilitates the creation of joint degree programs among UNICA members, enables the exchange of good practices and problems on the practical side of day-to-day effects of the Bologna process in UNICA universities and acts as a monitoring instrument for the process within the network.