Reception for international exchange students, winter semester 2017/18
On 18 October, the welcome reception for all international exchange students of the winter semester 2017, organized by the International Office, took place. Around 250 incoming students gathered in the small ceremonial hall and were welcomed by Vice Rector Faßmann.

Around 850 incoming students started their studies at the University this winter semester. At the reception they were officially welcomed by representatives of the University of Vienna.

Lottelis Moser, Head of the International Office, hosted the evening and welcomed the speakers, present mobility coordinators and all incoming students.

Vice Rector Faßmann welcomed the students and pointed out the academic and personal development one can achieve during a stay abroad.

Lottelis Moser introduced Nina Thiel, Roman Schett and Siina Karbin from the Incoming Team of the International Office as well as Isa Marshall, representative of ESN, to the students.

Susanne Lesk from the Center for Teacher Education presented a current research project with the aim to improve the buddy system for foreign and Austrian students.

Christoph Gnant, historian and employee of the University Council, gave an overview of historical events at the University of Vienna. He pointed out the international importance of the University throughout history.

Anton Salsa, Erasmus+ Incoming from the University of Perugia spoke about his first experiences in Vienna and why he chose the University of Vienna for his semester abroad.

Ingeborg Sickinger invited the incoming students to events and guided tours of the Alumni Association and presented a welcome package for the students.

After the official opening the informal part of the evening started with a buffet.

The Team of the International Office at the reception from left to right: Lottelis Moser, Rosa Steinacher, Roman Schett, Nina Thiel, Siina Karbin

Ingeborg Sickinger, Alumni Association in conversation with Lottelis Moser, International Office

Mobility coordinator Klaus Richter, Department of Chemistry

Rosa Steinacher, International Office; Annemarie Steidl, mobility coordinator at the department of History and Christoph Gnant, University Council

From left to right: Siina Karbin, Non- EU Student Exchange; Kaus Richter, mobility coordinator at the Department of Chemistry; Roman Schett, Erasmus Incoming and Nina Thiel, Erasmus+ International

Susanne Lesk and incoming students

Further impressions...

Fotos © Hans Schubert