Erasmus+ Student Exchange

The Erasmus+ Programme is the action scheme of the European Union to support cooperation and mobility in education. The University of Vienna currently has bilateral agreements with about 370 European universities and can offer students around 2,800 Erasmus+ spots to study at these European partner universities.

What does the Erasmus+ programme offer? Participating students benefit from a simplified enrolment process at the host university, they receive a mobility grant and are exempt from tuition fees. The courses that are completed abroad can be recognised by the University of Vienna with the agreement of the directorate of studies ("Studienprogrammleitung").

Current information

Student exchange at Circle U. universities

The University of Vienna has concluded a number of exchange agreements with partner universities within the Circle U. University Alliance and is continuously working on expanding the agreements. The semester stays abroad at Circle U. universities are funded by Erasmus+. You can find an overview of possible destinations in our mobility portal.

In addition to the University of Vienna, the University of Aarhus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Université Paris Cité, University of Belgrade, UCLouvain, University of Oslo, King's College London and the University of Pisa are part of the Circle U. Alliance.

 Exchange spots

Here you can look up the Erasmus+ spots for your degree programme.

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